Grumpy Cat Memes
Grumpy Cat, a snowshoe cat with a perpetually annoyed expression, rose to fame after the internet got bombarded with its memes in 2012. Here are a few more to tickle your funny bones if you’re feeling as grumpy as this one today.
1)I would love to give you a massage. On the face. With a cactus.
2) Don’t touch me, I’m allergic to humans.

3)Wow, look at all these people. Yep, we need a new plague.

4)Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that my hate will go on.

5)You think I’m angry now? Well, wait till you forget my catnip.

6)No, I didn’t eat the goldfish. Burppp.

7)Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the grumpiest of them all?

8) The hate is strong with this one.

9) How I wish I were a bird, so I could poop on the likes of you.

1o)You know what I love about babies? That they don’t try to talk to me.

If you know others who enjoy the incorrigible cynicism and nihilism of the apathetic Grumpy Cat, share these memes away to glory and make someone’s day!