Kitten Memes
Your furry feline friends are now funnier and cuter than ever. Don’t believe us? Go ahead. Have a look. We dare you.
1)I wanted your soul, but I settled for your bed instead. You’re welcome.

2) My name is Ten. Kit-Ten.

3) I should NOT have had that last slice of tuna!

4) Hey, who’s that handsome little dude in the glass?

5) Yep! I get paid for looking adorable.

6)Agent 009: License to be Cute

7) I swear this is my happy face.

8) 5 more minutes human, I is recharging.

9) Why doesn’t the dog meow?

10) The face I make when I remember it’s Monday tomorrow.

11) I think I eated your diamond earring.

12) What do you mean your real name isn’t Mommy?

13) If only it were ‘Take your pet to work day’.

14) Hey human, I’m ready for my belly rub!

These rib-tickling little kittens are at their sassiest, and there couldn’t be a more pleasant surprise. And they totally make you want to hop to the next cat shelter and grab one for yourself. You would agree, wouldn’t you?