Hairless Cat Memes
The Canadian Sphynx cat is known for its distinctive looks, that is, its complete lack of a fur coat- making it the(hairless) butt of endless memes!
1)Do you mind closing your eyes? I feel like I’m on display.

2)What do you mean I don’t look like a real cat?

3)Fur is for losers.

4)Yes, I’m the new brand ambassador for Phillips Precision Perfect Hair Trimmer.

5) No, I’m not related to Jason Statham. Or Vin Diesel.

6)Do cats shed hair in Autumn too?

7)Haircut gone very very wrong.

8)Don’t worry, for I’m in love with the shape of you!

9) Hey, what you lookin’ at? Never seen a well-groomed cat before?

10) Don’t worry; it’ll grow back. Or will it?

After looking at these memes, you can’t help but sympathize with these poor yet ironically regal cats and their really uncanny looks!